The C word...

Archive - all the best places to eat, shop and stay in Ireland. A local guide to local places.
I know, I know: you don't want to hear the C word yet. But, we believe that the following reasons are good enough to merit mentioning it...

Country Choice Xmas Puddings: can Peter and Mary Ward's puddings be bettered? They do make a mighty pud at Nash 19 in Cork, but there is certainly no pud quite like the CC one. Made by hand in 25 unit batches without using a large mixer in order to maintain the correct texture, the CC puds no longer use suet having switched to good Nenagh butter. The good news is that whilst you can get them in Country Choice, Fallon & Byrne, URRU Bandon, Caviston's and at the RDS Craft fair, you can also order them online this year, and get them sent a present all over the world.
Imagine receiving a Country Choice pud as a present, sent through the post to some far-flung corner of the world! Too good to be true...